Acidophilus Plus
A probiotic formula to support good digestive, gut and immune health
An efficiently functioning digestive system is essential in order for the nutrients in food to be efficiently digested and absorbed by the body. Poor digestion of food or a disruption of the balance of natural gut flora can lead to digestive disorders. Travel, medications or poor diets additionally contribute to a large number of digestive and gut complaints such as heartburn, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea and bloating. The body produces specific enzymes to digest fats, proteins, carbohydrates and dairy foods; supplementing with these enzymes where digestion is compromised can dramatically improve wellbeing. A favourable balance of naturally occurring beneficial probiotic bacteria can also be used to promote general gut and bowel health or address specific gut or digestive issues.
Showing 1–15 of 18 results
A probiotic formula to support good digestive, gut and immune health
Gastro protectant and healing action
Improves lactose digestion to help reduce symptoms associated with lactose intolerance such as bloating and flatulence
Enzymes, betaine HCI & peppermint oil to aid digestion and for relief of digestive discomfort
A unique and powerful combination of six digestive enzymes and three probiotic strains to aid digestion and for the relief of digestive discomfort, bloating and gas
Contains nutrients to support immune function to increase resistance to disease and infections.
Infant probiotic drops targeted to give symptomatic relief of colic and atopic eczema conditions
Probiotic bacteria especially formulated for children to support gut, digestive and immune health
Free form amino acid
L. Plantarum bacteria for symptomatic relief of IBS
Improves lactose digestion to help reduce symptoms associated with lactose intolerance such as bloating and flatulence
8 Strain High Potency Probiotic Supplement. 30 billion active organisms to support digestive, gut and immune health
Probiotic bacteria especially formulated for children to support gut, digestive and immune health
A probiotic formula to support good digestive and immune health
A 6 day course of probiotics to restore your natural balance of microflora after a course of antibiotics.